The Young Global Economists Society (YGES) has announced the appointment of Nokwanda Mathenjwa as its president, effective August 2023.

The Young Global Economists Society (YGES) is a non-profit, non-partisan, and independent organization established to organize, coordinate, and train young economics professionals across the world and help them build new economic thinking patterns that are relevant in the 21st century and beyond.

YGES is established to be the vehicle of change by raising global professional economists who would seek to question the foundation of our current economic practices and establish relevant thought patterns.

Nokwanda Mathenjwa is an MPhil Industrial Policy student at the University of Johannesburg with multi-industry economics and strategy experience in financial services, mining, construction, and tourism.

Nokwanda recently produced a paper for the Irish Research Council and the University of College Cork on Artificial intelligence and Industrialization in Africa and subsequently published a Policy Brief for the South African Research Chair in Industrial Development (SARCHI).

She was also the only Master’s student who presented her MPhil research paper (Adoption and Impact of 4IR Technologies: a Case Study of South Africa’s Apparel Manufacturing Firms) at the Young Scholars Conference 2023, hosted by the University of Johannesburg and the Young Scholars Initiative.

She is a Mandela Washington Fellow, a recipient of the Mail and Guardian 200 Young South Africans award, and was named one of the Most Influential Young Economists in Sub-Saharan Africa by the Institute of Certified Chartered Economists in 2022.


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