Executory Contracts in Chapter 11: What you Need to Know as a Business Owner

In times of financial distress, businesses may seek relief through a Chapter 11 bankruptcy filing. This allows them to restructure their debts and operations while continuing to operate. One crucial aspect of Chapter 11 is the treatment of executory contracts.

An executory contract is one where both parties still have obligations to perform. Common examples include leases, supply contracts, and employment agreements. In a Chapter 11 case, these contracts are either assumed, rejected, or assigned.


Assuming an executory contract means the debtor (business owner) wants to keep the contract in force. To do this, they must cure any defaults and provide adequate assurance of future performance to the other party. If the other party objects, the court will hold a hearing to determine if assumption is appropriate.


Rejection of an executory contract means the debtor no longer wants to be bound by the contract. This can occur if the contract is unprofitable or no longer necessary. Once rejected, the other party has a claim for damages, but the contract is no longer binding on either party.


Assignment of an executory contract occurs when the debtor transfers the contract to another party. This can happen if the debtor sells their business or assets to a third party who assumes the contract. The other party must consent to the assignment, and the court must approve it.

Executory contracts can be critical to a business`s continued operations. As such, it`s essential to understand how they`re treated in a Chapter 11 case. Business owners should review their contracts and evaluate which ones are necessary and profitable to maintain. If they seek Chapter 11 relief, they should work with experienced bankruptcy counsel to navigate the process and achieve the best outcome for themselves and their creditors.

In conclusion, understanding the treatment of executory contracts in Chapter 11 is essential for business owners facing financial difficulties. By knowing the options of assumption, rejection, and assignment, business owners can make informed decisions that will help them successfully restructure their business. As a copy editor, it is crucial to streamline the article and make it reader-friendly, catering to business owners who may not have a legal background.