As a professional, I am here to talk about the topic of amorous agreement Wattpad. Wattpad is a platform that provides an online space for writers to share their writing and connect with readers from all over the world. In recent years, the platform has grown to become a popular space for romance writers, and one of the popular themes in romance writing is the amorous agreement.

An amorous agreement is a romantic relationship that is built on the premise of mutual agreement. This agreement usually entails setting certain boundaries and rules that both parties have to adhere to, while still maintaining a level of intimacy. The relationship could be a friends-with-benefits situation, an open relationship or even a fake romance.

The amorous agreement plot has become increasingly popular in romance writing on Wattpad, and many writers have been able to gain a significant following with their stories centered around this theme. Readers are drawn to the excitement and unpredictability of these types of relationships, and authors have been able to capitalize on this to create exciting and engaging stories that keep readers hooked from beginning to end.

One of the most popular amorous agreement stories on Wattpad is “The Deal” by Elle Kennedy. This story tells the tale of Hannah Wells, a music major at Briar University, who strikes a deal with her college hockey team captain, Garrett Graham. The deal entails that they will pretend to date to make the girls who broke Garrett`s heart jealous, and in return, Hannah gets to use Garrett`s loft to practice her music.

“The Deal” is a great example of how an amorous agreement can be the basis for an engaging romance story. The story has all the hallmarks of a great romance – witty banter, steamy encounters, and a strong emotional connection between the main characters. What sets it apart is the unique premise of their fake relationship, which adds to the drama and intrigue of the story.

In conclusion, the amorous agreement plot has become a popular theme in romance writing on Wattpad, and for good reason. It provides a unique and exciting way to explore the building blocks of a romantic relationship, and many authors have been able to use it to create engaging stories that keep readers hooked. If you`re a fan of romance stories, then you should definitely check out some of the many great amorous agreement stories on Wattpad.